The first decade of the 21st century is drawing to a close. The world’s economy has been hit by the worst recession since the great depression of the 1930s. Much has been speculated about the causes and the effect of the current economic decline. Banks have relaxed their lending criteria too much. Greed has driven many to take too much risk. Many have done what the “others” are doing. In the process the band wagon derailed.
It was indeed a tough year. To me, one of the important lessons to learn is to keep to sound business practise which includes honesty, being fair, mutual benefits, win-win solutions, value added and more.
To me, as a Christian, there is always hope. It is a hope not only for next year or the next decade but for eternity. For fellow Christians, my wish is that you may have a blessed Christmas and get closer to Jesus.
May you all have a wonderful 2010!